Sunland Orchards

Sunland Orchards, Cobram, VIC

Records readily available for auditors

Trying to satisfy 3-4 audit programs using pen & paper was a nightmare for Nick.
Nick’s Agronomist came and showed him how easy it is to connect with each other and create farm records in Agworld.
Centralizing information means it’s right there: When an auditor comes, Nick opens Agworld where the batch number, label information, weather data, activity info, and other required data can be shown on the spot. If the auditor asks to see the location of dams, irrigation pumps, filling stations, etc. Nick pulls up Agworld and each of these assets are pinned on the map so he can show where they are.
client map location

Sunland Orchards

Location: Cobram, VIC
Size: 800 ac
Type: Permanent Crop
Crops: Nectarines, peaches, plums, apricots, persimmons, cherries, mandarins, lemons & pears

Nick's family's history is deeply rooted in the Murray Valley. His father came to the area in 1956 from Italy and went straight to farming with his father who had come 10 years prior. They started with one property, and through the years the farm and family continued to grow. Today, Nick is the third generation to take on the farm, a job that came naturally after a childhood spent outside. He farms 600 hectares of nectarines, peaches, plums, apricots, persimmons, cherries, mandarins, lemons & pears. Nick’s curiosity and passion for farming takes him all over the world to discover the newest varieties…the most recent being a new range of peach nectarines that are flat (like a donut!)

"When the auditors see it, they know it's ready. I've got all the info there"
Nick Demaio Sunland Orchard
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